Friday, December 4, 2015


Had a sweet lady contact me about doing pictures for the center.  So I opted to try this lady out.  I was not disappointed!  She was so nice and the kids really liked her so she got lots of great shots!  I can't wait to see the pictures!  We should get them before Christmas and if I have a good response from her, we will use her again in the Spring!

Monday, November 23, 2015

Learning New Programs... again... yeah!

I try to keep current with all the new fangled techno they have out there.  I want to make my parents as aware as possible and paper was not working.  So I must learn yet another new program.  I hate to learn new programs!  Since I have opened I have had to learn 4 programs!  YIKES!  my brain hurts.  Maybe this is it... maybe now I will be smart enough to run this center! 

Saturday, November 7, 2015

Yearbooks area already looking good for 2016!

I refuse to wait until the last moment!  So I have been entering all the pictures as soon as the occasion is over!  So far it is looking great!  Don't forget that if you want to see your child's smiling face a lot in the book ... participating in all our events help!

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Yearbooks are on sale now!

Our Yearbook is ready and it is awesome!  It is all in color and has 70 pages of 500 photos and 12 videos of what your children have done for the 2014-2015n  school year!  We are selling three forms of yearbooks this year.:

Hardback   $40.00     BEST VALUE
Softback    $30.00
E-Book     $10.00  This is great for relatives that live far away!

Kids enjoy looking at their friends and years from now, it will be a cherished memory for the whole family.

Orders need to be received by Sept 30.  Payment is excepted with order.  You will be able to order this years book online as well but it will cost more.  They will be available to order online soon!

Sunday, September 13, 2015

The *ACTUAL* Reason Why Children are 800% Worse When Their Mothers Are in the Room.

They were fine all day with me, but the second they saw you, they lost it, Kate! I don’t understand!” Says my husband, on a regular basis. The other day, I read a funny article titled, “Study: Children Are 800% Worse When Their Mothers are in the Room(a fake study). I cracked up when I read the title, and quickly realized it was fake, once I read it. Despite the article being fake, the concept is TRUE! Kids are absolutely 800% worse when around their mothers… and why???  Because YOU, mama, are their safe place. YOU are the place they can come to with all of their problems. If you can’t make something better… well, then who else can? YOU, dear mama, are a garbage disposal of unpleasant feelings and emotions. If a child’s been holding it together all day, in an unpleasant situation, the second they see you, they know it’s time they can finally let go. That means letting go of whatever… whining… crying… their bowels, etc. It’s the last thing you want to deal with after having been out enjoying yourself, or after coming home, tired, from a day at work… but that’s what we, as mothers, get: the uninhibited expression of a raw emotional release, slapping us in the face, the second we stumble through the door. You have not spoiled your kids rotten if your are greeted at the door with whining and screaming. Oh no… don’t let anyone tell you that. Rather, you’ve created a space safe enough for your child to have permission to be natural. And, by the way… it’s REALY REALLY important for kids to be natural with their feelings, their emotions and their bodily functions. When they grow up, we want our children to have highly functioning emotional intelligence and body awareness, right? So, take it as a good sign. Do your kids start speaking tongue, crying, releasing their bowels and clinging to you when you walk in the door? Take it as a sign that they love you and just know that I’m sending you lots of love the next time it happens, because I know… Oh, I know… it drives us all bonkers-up-the-wall! They save it all for you.”


Monday, August 24, 2015

Seriously? This is Aggravating!

We are still waiting for DHS to come and license our new after school room.  We had a complaint filed with DHS from one of our parents stating that I was never at work.  This is a bogus and hurtful statement.  The complaint came the week Joanie was born so of course I was at the hospital with her (1 day) ... still there are repercussions when DHS gets involved and this happens to inconvenience so many parents and kids instead of just me.  After working an 80 hour work week I also worked at the center, with my husband, for two weekends putting in another 41.67 hours  trying to be sure the room was ready and not inconvenience my parents... but now we are waiting for DHS to close this complaint. They have 30 days to work a complaint so we should be just about at the deadline...  We can't occupy that room until it is licensed so I am glad this didn't happen during storm season.   In the future... if you trust me with your children.  Please trust me to fix any issue you might have concerning the center before you call DHS.   It is my desire to run a great center for your children and keep my parents happy! 


Sunday, March 1, 2015

We Can't All be President

No we can't all be president or a big movie star that lives in a huge mansion in Beverly Hills.  But we can teach our children the importance of doing little things.  That little things sometimes make a bigger impact in this world then doing something we think is big.  Teaching children to be kind to one another, and giving of their time and effort is one of them.  To think of others, sometimes even before ourselves.  We need to let them know that although they are very important, the world does not revolve just around them.  The whole "It's all about me" is not working very well in this day and age. They might have friends, family or neighbors that need our help and helping people in their hours of need is a great way to live a life.  To really make a difference in someone's life just because you choose to.